About Me

I have been interested in ships and shipping since I was a boy growing up in Liverpool more years ago than I care to remember. For a short period during my early working life, I was employed as a Radio Officer in the British Merchant Navy. Some of the images from my time at sea are displayed in the 1960's sub Gallery.

At best, I would describe myself as a photography enthusiast. Like sports and wildlife photographers I place myself in locations and situations where I hope something interesting will happen. My photography skill level continues to evolve and my pursuit of the "perfect" ship image goes on!

Please ask permission before using any image for commercial use, posting on a web site, or reproduction in any type of publication.


A professional studio photograph taken in the early 1960's when I was on Home leave after my first Foreign Going voyage on the SS Mahseer.  Although I paid for the portrait I do not claim copyright. I presume that still resides with the photographer.

All of the images displayed within the "My Ship Images" Web site have been taken by me with a few exceptions. One is the image above whilst another is on the Radio Officer's Tales Introduction page that was taken by my wife. The other exceptions are recorded on the pages where they appear. Apart from the exceptions all displayed images are copyright © John Leary.